Visit Us

People visit Trinity for many reasons.

We come from different backgrounds and experiences, but we come together because we’ve found some things that are important to us… real relationships and a caring community.

We’ve also found something so much bigger than ourselves — a way to grow a deeper relationship with God.

Trinity Church is more than a building.

It is a group of people who come together to leave some sort of mark on the world around us.

Our faith touches everything we do and we’d like to share that with you.



​8:00 AM   Holy Eucharist in the Church.

9:00 AM   Holy Eucharist in the Lemler Garden, June 9 – September 1, 2024.

10:00 AM   Holy Eucharist in the Church and on Livestream.


5:30 PM   Holy Eucharist in the Church.


Julia preaching

What to Expect

Where should I park?

Free parking is available in the paved, fenced lot just north of the church, at 33rd and Meridian Streets.

Where's the entrance to the church?

Enter the church under the narrow archway that faces the parking lot, through the wooden doors closest to Meridian Street.
Enter the larger archway at the gate to access the Lemler Garden, Holy Innocents Chapel, Fortune Room, Crist Room, and accessible restrooms.

What's a typical Sunday schedule?

Sunday mornings include an 8:00AM service in the church with no singing and a 10:00AM service in the church and online with choir and congregational singing.

Eucharist in the Garden: During warmer months (typically June-September) we add an outdoor service in our beautiful Lemler Garden at 9:00AM. Each of these services offers Holy Eucharist. June 9 – September 1, 2024

Fellowship: After each service, we offer cookies and coffee (all year round) or lemonade (in the warmer months) to allow time to chat with your fellow parishioners.
Formation for All Ages: Interlaced within and between the worship offerings are formation classes for children, youth, and adults, including a special children’s liturgy of the word program during the sermon at the 10:00 service – we take a break during the summer months.
Our nursery is open on Sundays from 9:30AM to 12:30PM.
We suggest you check our website regularly for updated information and/or sign up for our weekly e-newsletter, the e-Pistle.

Are there any other services during the week?

A brief midweek Eucharist that follows the Episcopal calendar of daily commemorations and feasts is offered on Wednesdays at 5:30PM in the church.
Sometimes, a time of meditation with contemplative prayer is offered online on Wednesdays at 7PM. This program is led by Trinity parishioners. Check our online calendar for the latest information.

What are services like?

Trinity follows the liturgical church calendar, so you may notice that the clergy vestments and altar adornments on Sundays change with the seasons. 
To first-time non-Episcopalian visitors, our services may seem like a lot of standing, kneeling, sitting, and possibly singing. You will be given an easy-to-follow bulletin so at any given point in the service, you will know where we are. Feel free to participate as much or as little as you wish. Or if you would like to just sit quietly and take it all in, that’s okay, too. 

Must I identify myself as a newcomer?

We hope that you find us to be a friendly congregation—we want you to feel as comfortable as possible when you visit our services. While we would love a chance to meet you, you do not have to identify yourself as a visitor. You can slip into a worship service and check us out without identifying yourself to anyone, if that is what you choose. You will have the opportunity during the services to fill out a welcome card, where you can give as little or as much information about yourself as you wish—and let us know of any prayer requests that you have. You can also stop by the welcome desk at the door or just outside the Fortune Room for more information about the church and our ministries.

What's available for Adults?

There are many ways for adults to find nourishment at Trinity. Learning opportunities for Christian formation abound on Sunday mornings, in book studies, and in weekday gatherings. Adults can be active in our neighborhood outreach or social justice and racial reconciliation work. Parents might find a moment of respite with our new parents in conversation group on Sunday mornings while the kids are in Sunday school. Or serve in worship as a lector (lay leaders who read scripture and lead prayers), choir member, or chalice bearer. 

What's available for Children?

Children are welcome here. From loving care provided in the nursery, to age-appropriate teaching through stories, arts, and crafts in Sunday school, to a highly structured 4-year program for youth formation, we have something for every age. And children are invited to take an active part in worship. Younger children can learn at their own pace in a children’s liturgy of the word offered during the 10:00 Sunday service. Older children and youth can be worship leaders through their service as acolytes and choristers.

Location & Mailing Address

3243 N Meridian, Indianapolis, IN 42608


Trinity Episcopal Church sits in the vibrant neighborhood of Mapleton Fall Creek,
just north of historic Meridian Park at 3243 N Meridian Street, Indianapolis 46208.