Stewardship Statement of Trinity Episcopal Church

(Unanimously passed by the Vestry at the October 21, 2024 Vestry Meeting)

In recognition of the church’s tradition of calling us to work, pray, and give for the spread of God’s kingdom, all members of Trinity Episcopal Church are encouraged to develop a personal spiritual discipline that includes the holy habits of tithing, daily personal prayer, life-long Christian formation, serving others, Sabbath time, and weekly corporate worship.

We embrace a vision of stewardship through a joyful response to God’s extravagant gifts; to confront fears of scarcity; and to empower the mission of Christ through gratitude and resilience leading to generous giving.

We commit to The Episcopal Church’s affirmation that the tithe (10% of our treasure) is the standard and goal, and commit ourselves prayerfully to working toward meeting or exceeding this goal, recognizing that our giving may include financial support for other ministries and organizations.

We encourage our members to consider proportional giving in which they recognize the proportion and percentage of their giving at this point in time and prayerfully work towards tithing as the goal.   We recognize that this is an intentional process and a goal to work towards joyfully and prayerfully.  

We also commit – as individuals and as the Body of Christ – to following the example of Jesus Christ by offering a portion of our time in service to others, by promoting justice and the dignity of every human being, and by being stewards of the earth.


Snail mail: Pledge cards were mailed to Trinity households in mid-October. Simply fill out the card and return it in the prepaid envelope provided.

During church: Bring your completed card to the Ingathering Service at the end of our pledge campaign on Sunday, November 24, or drop it in the offering plate during any Sunday service.

Online: Click here to skip the paper process and pledge online

If you are not able to make your pledge during the campaign, contact the church office for assistance at any time: 317-926-1346. Office hours are 9am-4pm Monday through Friday.


What is a Pledge?

A pledge is your commitment of the amount of money you will give to Trinity during 2025, usually in regular installments. It is your way of affirming your membership at Trinity and your expression of gratitude to God for all that has been given to you.

Why is My Pledge Important?

Pledging is a vital way to participate in the work of the Body of Christ here at Trinity. Through your generosity Trinity is able to support not only the ministries to which God has called us, but also the work of our campus and outreach partners and our Episcopal diocese. Nothing that happens here would be possible without your generous financial support. We do not receive financial support from the diocese or the national Episcopal Church. Moreover, the spiritual work of determining one’s pledge is an important part of our living into our faith in every aspect of our lives.

Trinity Has an Endowment, Right? So, Why Should I Give? 

Trinity is blessed with invested resources in a Legacy Fund which allows us to do far more ministry than a parish of our size would ordinarily be able to accomplish. Your pledge is maximized in its impact because of the generous legacy of those who have gone before us and have invested In Trinity’s future. Trinity consistently strives to grow our pledged income so that we may manage our investments responsibly and reduce our Legacy Fund draw to a consistent, sustainable level. In so doing, we will allow generations after us to live into their own calls to ministry at Trinity in perpetuity.

The most important reason to give, however, is this:  giving of one’s abundance is a spiritual act, driven by faithful discernment and the call to be a contributor to one’s faith community—to build the Body of Christ with our time, our talent and our treasure.

I Give Money in the Plate Each Week. Isn’t That Enough?

We are grateful for the generosity of all who donate during the weekly offertory. It is a wonderful way for visitors to show their support for our beautiful church. But, as Members of Trinity, we are called to make an annual pledge, and it’s a powerful affirmation of our gratitude to God and our support of this wonderful church community.

Pledging also enables us to prepare our annual operating budget, as it gives us a good picture of what our finances will be for the year. With your pledge commitment, Trinity is able to plan its efforts to help change the world.

What Should I Consider when Pledging?

This is a personal decision, to be made between you, other members of your household, and God. It’s one we invite you to discern prayerfully. What does Trinity mean to you? How generous can you be? What changes could you make to your own budget to support Trinity and its ministries? What are you prepared to give back to God and God’s people in gratitude for all that has been given to you?

What is Proportional Giving?

Proportional Giving is the act of intentionally designating a portion of your annual income as your pledge to Trinity. The biblical standard of a tithe is 10%, and that practice continues to be affirmed by the Episcopal Church.

Many people set a different percentage, with the goal of increasing that amount a percentage point or two each year. Regardless of the percentage, the key aspect of Proportional Giving is that it is intentional–you analyze your income and determine the percentage you will give to the work of the Church.

This chart shows annual pledge amounts at different income levels and giving percentages. You are invited to use this information as a tool for determining an appropriate level of giving in gratitude for all that God has given you.

My Income Varies. How Do I Calculate How Much to Pledge?

Your pledge can be your promise of the minimum amount you will commit to Trinity. If your income increases, you are welcome to increase your pledge. Please do not let a variable income prevent you from making a pledge.

What Payment Methods Does Trinity Accept?

We welcome cash, checks, credit cards ( VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discovery) or gifts of appreciated stock. Many parishioners use their banks’ online bill pay service, which sends us a bank draft each month. This can be set up in Realm or by calling Molly Ellsworth at Trinity (317-926-1346). If you want to use automatic withdrawal from a bank account, please let us know, as we need your permission each year to set up this process.

Many givers direct their philanthropic dollars in ways that are also financially advantageous to them. To learn more about strategies to optimize financial benefits of giving, click HERE.

What if I make a pledge but later find I can’t pay it in full?

Parishioners raise and lower their pledge all the time. A pledge is an estimate to help church budgeting; it is not a legal or moral obligation. Please don’t let your uncertainty prevent you from making a pledge. If you have financial difficulties or other unexpected events, simply notify the clergy or finance office to adjust your pledge confidentially.  Also, If you’re blessed with unexpected extra income, you’re always welcome to increase your pledge as well!

Is my pledge confidential?

Trinity keeps pledges strictly confidential. The Director of Operations and the Rector have sole access to donor records.

At Trinity, our mission is to embody the love of Jesus
through Welcome, Worship, Witness, and Work,
in order to Inspire to Faith and Transform the World.
By committing to support Trinity with your Annual Pledge,
you become a part of our mission more fully,
and you make our mission possible!
Thank you for being a part of the mission and ministry here at Trinity.
Thank you for making a pledge in 2025.