Serve on Sundays
We come together Sundays as the Body of Christ
Explore the many opportunities to use your unique gifts on Sunday mornings.
Trinity Choirs – The Trinity Choir & Choristers seek to serve the worship life of the congregation through Sunday worship, special services, and Diocesan events. To learn more about the choir, contact Dr. Michael Messina, Trinity’s Director of Music.
Sunday Concerts & Performances – Special musical events at Trinity include services of Choral Evensong, organ recitals, choir concerts, and guest performances.
Hospitality – Throughout the program year, ministry groups provide food and drink for a celebration coffee hour on Sundays and summer garden parties on Wednesdays to create an atmosphere of warmth and welcome.
Greeters – Our Greeters welcome people to worship and help newcomers find their way.
Nursery Care – On Sundays and for selected special events, nursery care is provided in a safe and loving environment for children under three years old, helping the youngest among us learn to be comfortable at church.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word – During the 10am service, children are invited to participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word held in the Holy Innocents’ Chapel. Children are led out before the reading of the Gospel and return to church during the Peace.
Acolytes – Acolytes are adults and and children in grades 4-12. The acolytes light candles and carry the tapers, crosses, banners, and the Gospel book in procession, and assist in a number of ways throughout the service. Training is offered by the guild each August.
Lectors and Prayer Leaders – Our Lectors and Prayer Leaders guide the congregation in the reading of Scripture and Prayers of the People. Training is offered through the guild.
Music –Trinity Choir and Choristers participate in and lead the congregation in hymns during the 10am Sunday service and other liturgical services. Auditions are held periodically throughout the year. Learn more about Music at Trinity.
Ushers – Ushers serve an important ministry of hospitality and assist with the flow of the service. Training is offered by the guild.
The Chalice Guild – Chalice bearers assist with distributing the Wine during holy communion. Training for this role is offered through the guild.
Altar Guild – Volunteers form this ministry to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, altar linens, candles, and flowers used in worship. They tend to the beauty of our tradition with faithful care. Training for the various roles is offered through the guild.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors – Lay Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to home-bound members of the parish on a monthly basis. Training for this role is offered through the Diocese.