Serve With Us
Nurturing. Advocating. Leading. Feeding.
Alongside one another or on our own, Trinity’s mission allows us to use our gifts in ways that can forever touch the lives and hearts of others. Trinity answers the call to serve through ministries that put God’s love into action—among our own parishioners, in our neighborhood, in our city, and in the world beyond.
Serve on Sunday
A large body of volunteers
set-up, serve, welcome, and support ministries.
Serve with Partners
We believe in partnerships & creating new initiatives that respond to critical social needs.
Community and Care
At Trinity, our communal life encompasses the good work done by clergy, staff, and lay leaders who provide connection, care, and growth within our community. We invite you to connect with what is calling you.

Sunday Dinner
The Sunday Dinner Ministry seeks to nourish the spirit and bodies of those among us who are hungry, thereby creating a more viable community through generosity, hospitality, and fellowship.