Children, Youth, & Families
Thank you to our wonderful Sunday school teachers, nursery staff, and youth leaders!
We are so grateful for your love and care of the children of all ages in our midst!
Children & Youth
Nursery care is provided for infants to age 3 each Sunday, year-round, from 9am until noon and as-needed for special services.
On Sundays during the 10am service
Sunday Chapel | Age-appropriate liturgy during the sermon for preschool to Grade 4
Acolytes | Grade 4 to Grade 12
Choristers | Grade 3 to Grade 12
On Sundays after the 10am service
Sunday School | Preschool to Grade 4
PRISM | Grade 5 to Grade 7
Rite-13 | Grades 8 and 9
Journey to Adulthood (J2A) | Grades 10 and 11
Formation for children and youth does not meet during summer months.
Register for Children’s Formation
If you have children from birth through Grade 7, please complete the registration form. We require an update each year to keep our records current for allergy information, photo permissions, etc. Parents will receive a children & families newsletter by registering here.
Register for Youth Formation
Trinity’s youth program starts in middle school and continues through high school. Please complete the registration form each year, to stay informed about the youth schedule and special events throughout the year.
We celebrate the changes that teenagers experience as we help them grow toward maturity.
Trinity’s youth program starts in middle school, and continues through high school.
The youth take part in a four-year program that includes confirmation and culminates in a pilgrimage. Previous groups have gone to Scotland, Italy, the Dominican Republic, Canada, South Dakota, Calgary/Banff, Rome and Assisi.
This program is divided into two, two-year components, Rite-13 (which will include Confirmation) and Journey to Adulthood (J2A).
Rite-13, for eighth and ninth grade teens, works to establish and maintain cross-gender friendships, establishes the church as a safety zone in the midst of an evolving time in teens’ lives, and builds a group with shared experiences and memories.
Journey to Adulthood (J2A), for tenth and eleventh graders, celebrates the transition from teen to adulthood, trains young people in the skills of adulthood, explores the mystery of our faith heritage, and establishes our experience in the strength of community and liturgy. J2A focuses on active listening, negotiation, assertion, research/information management, partnership, and leadership.
At the end of J2A, teens go on a spiritual pilgrimage. The pilgrims participate in mission work, community living, and explore the local area of the pilgrimage site. The most recent pilgrimages have been to Iona, Scotland; Juneau, Alaska; Rome, Italy and Banff Alberta Canada. Teens help pay for their travel expenses by participating in a number of volunteer activities and fundraisers, including cookie bakes, car washes, and Mother’s Day flower sales.
Children & Youth in Worship
Sunday Chapel
During the sermon at the 10am service, children have their own age-appropriate liturgy in the Holy Innocents’ Chapel with Rev’d Rebecca. They begin by lighting the altar candles, hearing and responding to the day’s lesson, then extinguishing the altar candles to rejoin the congregation during the passing of the peace, for communion. It’s a time of learning and growing together!
Trinity Choristers
Children at least 8 years old or in the third grade are eligible to become Trinity Choristers. Rehearsals are held weekly, from September through May. Choristers sing at the 10am service, three Sundays each month in the church, and for services of Evensong, holiday worship, and concerts. There is no requirement to be a member of Trinity and no cost to join the program.

The Rite of Confirmation
Details to come for youth & confirmation.
Parents + Families
Parents' Café
All parents are warmly invited to the Parents’ Café each Sunday after the 10am service, while your children are in nursery care, Sunday school, or youth group. Simply head over to the lobby of St. Richard’s Episcopal School, where you will find a comfortable place with coffee and cookies. No agenda—just good people and community!
NOTE: This group does not meet during summer months.
Parents in Conversation
We provide time and space for parents to connect on Sunday mornings, while kids are in their formation classes. Some weeks, we offer a structured discussion on a pre-defined topic. Check our calendar of events for upcoming topics, or reach out to Rev’d Rebecca to submit requests for topics to be covered. Parenting is a hard and holy season. We are here to support you & your family.
NOTE: This group does not meet during summer months.
Family Events
The Children and Families Leadership Team meets regularly to plan family events throughout the year. Contact Rev’d Rebecca for more information.