Sunday, March 24

Palm Sunday: Sunday of the Passion

Eucharist 8am & 10am (Livestream available)

with Procession of Palms and dramatic reading of the Passion

Formation Opportunities

Lectionary Bible study | Church Library | 9am
Adult Forum: Anti-Semitism and the Liturgies of Holy Week | Fortune Room | 11:30am
Clapham Circle: Palestinian Theology of Liberation | St. Benedict House | 12:30pm

Concert 8:00PM (Livestream available)

Marcel Dupré’s The Way of the Cross, for organ

Wednesday, March 27

Mid-Week Eucharist

5:30PM in the Church

Thursday, March 28

Maundy Thursday

Begin in the Fortune room at 6:30PM for a simple Agape Meal

Process to the Church for Eucharist at 7:00PM (Livestream available), with foot washing & stripping of the altar

Join the community to sit Vigil at the Altar of Repose until 10:00PM 

Friday, March 29

Good Friday

10:00 am Children’s Stations of Holy Week – an interactive, age-appropriate gathering for children & parents, illuminating some of the sacred traditions of our faith. Donut holes will be served; join us to discover their special symbolism!
Meet in the Cloister Room, just outside the Holy Innocents’ Chapel.

12:00 pm Liturgy of the Day (Livestream available) – Sung Passion, prayers, hymns, and veneration of the cross. Communion from the reserved Sacrament will be available immediately after this service in the Chapel of the Holy Innocents. On Good Friday, Communion is administered in silence, without the traditional words of administration. After the service, until 3pm, the Church and Chapel will be open for prayer and silent devotion, and the Sacramental Rite of Reconciliation of a Penitent will be available at the altar rail.

5:00 pm Stations of the Cross – A final opportunity to pray with the art of Janet McKenzie. 

7:00 pm Concert – Stabat Mater by Pergolesi with soloists, Trinity choir, and orchestra (Livestream available). Poetry readings and instrumental selections complete the experience.

Saturday, March 30

Holy Saturday

8:00PM Great Vigil of Easter (Livestream available– a symbol-rich liturgy featuring the lighting of the Pascal fire, incense, the First Eucharist of Easter, and festive choral anthems. A light reception follows the service, in the Fortune Room.

Sunday, March 31

Easter Day

The Great Feast of the Resurrection, in all its glory!

9:00AM Festival Eucharist (Livestream available), with choir & choristers, Easter brass & timpani.
Nursery care is provided during the service, and Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered during the sermon.

Easter Egg hunt between services

11:00AM Festival Eucharist (Livestream available), with choir, Easter brass & timpani, and incense.
Nursery care is provided during the service, and Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered during the sermon.