Bob Wood
Senior Warden
Joel Harrison
Junior Warden
The Reverend Dr. Elenor Lucius “Andy” Anderson III
Interim Rector
The Rev’d Adam Pierce
Senior Associate Rector
The Rev’d Rebecca Kirkpatrick
Associate Rector for Children & Families
The Rev'd Mary J. Mail
Pastoral Care Associate
The Rev’d Kirsten Guidero, PhD
Priest Associate for Adult Formation and Chaplain to Faith at the Crossroads
Program Staff
Dr. Michael Messina
Director of Music
Destin Wernicke
Assistant Organist
Missy Roetter
Youth & Parish Life Coordinator
Dr. Shelly Furuness
Interim Program Director, Faith at the Crossroads
Operations Staff
Kelly Truman
Executive Assistant
Molly Ellsworth
Director of Operations
Cara Kirkpatrick
Assistant for Finance & Communications
We’re Hiring
Director of Communications
Dirk Edwards
Director of Facilities
Ashley Nealy
Dave Smith
Housekeeping & Maintenance
The vestry is the leadership council of the parish, and new vestry members are elected at the January annual meeting. They work closely with the rector to define the mission and direction of the parish and manage the parish’s operations, finances, and property. Vestry members are an example of commitment, participation, and support of the life of the parish.